Here’s the spot to view some recent popular articles, interviews, other news stories about the research program. Click below to learn more!

UCSC Science Notes, 2023: PHOCASing on the positive

UCSC News, 2023: Physical and Biological Sciences Division honors three prominent alumni

Science News Explores, 2023: How would a mermaid sound underwater?

NPR All Things Considered, 2023: Is music an exclusively human thing? A new study says no

BBC News, 2021: Mother seals recognise pup’s voice at two days old

The New York Times, 2021: The Sound of One Walrus Clapping

The Atlantic, 2021: One Mighty Walrus Clapped for Love Very, Very Loudly

60 North Science, 2020: Shedding Light on Molting Ice Seals

Scientific American, 2020: Earthshaking Signature ‘Brawn Songs’ and Movement, Developed over Time, Identify Seals

Sea Otter Savvy, 2020: Why Sea Otters Don’t Need Sunglasses or Swim Goggles

The Ethogram, 2020: In-air hearing in walruses

The MIT Press Reader, 2020: Are Humans the Only Musical Species?

The Atlantic, 2019: The Vanished Dialects of Northern Elephant Seals, 2019: Review of noise impacts on marine mammals yields new policy recommendations

Inside JEB, 2018: Decisive Sea Otters Distinguish Differences by Touch

LMR News Project Spotlight, 2018: Behavioral Assessment of Auditory Sensitivity in Hawaiian Monk Seals

Field Notes, 2018: The Sensory World of Sea Otters

Spider Magazine, 2018: You Otter Hear This

CBS News, 2018: Researchers Discover the Secret Lives of Elephant Seals

Lab Times, 2017: Listen to Your Rivals’ Rhythms

National Public Radio (NPR), 2017: The Rhythms of Elephant Seals

National Geographic, 2017: Elephant Seals Recognize their Rivals’ Voices

The New York Times, 2017: The Rhythms that Make Elephant Seals Run or Fight

PBS NewsHour, 2017: Elephant Seals Recognize Vocal Rhythms to Avoid Bullies

60 North Science, 2017: Eavesdropping on Spotted Seals

Washington Post, 2016: This Sea Lion Grooves to Earth, Wind & Fire—and Science Shows She’s Got Rhythm

Quanta Magazine, 2016: The Beasts that Keep the Beat 

Pacific Standard Magazine, 2015: Seals take hearing tests–and offer insight into Arctic drilling’s impact on marine mammals

Washington Post, 2015: The mating game secrets and bloody rivalries of the giant elephant seal

National Geographic, 2015: Toxic algae causing brain damage, memory loss in sea lions

Nature, 2015: Toxin clouds sea lion memory

Science Notes, 2015: Call of the Beachmaster

Inside JEB, 2014: Spotted seal hearing impressive in air and water, 2014: Spotted seal study reveals sensitive hearing in air and water

NPR, 2013: In the name of science, head-bobbing sea lion keeps the beat

Scientific American, 2010: Forget Elephants; Sea Lions Never Forget!

PBS NOVA, 2009: Smart Marine Mammals: Expert Q&A

Living on Earth, 2009: Discovering Walruses

NY Times, 2008: Who is the Walrus?

NewScientist, 2002: Sea lion scores top for memory