Nayak ringed seal NMFS18902


Welcome to the Pinniped Cognition and Sensory Systems Lab at Long Marine Laboratory, where we explore the inner worlds of amphibious marine mammals. Observations and experiments conducted with trained animals in our laboratory allow us to examine the perceptual and cognitive mechanisms that enable individuals to gather, organize, and use various types of information, and the physiological mechanisms that support behavioral plasticity. Observations made in the field allow us to see how perception and cognition are translated into decisions and actions. Comparative studies in both settings help us to understand how ecological, evolutionary, and life history factors have influenced different marine mammal species.



Reichmuth Lab, UCSC Long Marine Laboratory, 115 McAllister Way, Santa Cruz CA 95060 USA  –, Tel 831-459-3345, Fax 831-459-3383, instagram @pinnipedlab